203.561-8843 [email protected]

School Boy Heart

In their haste to go swimming at a friend’s house today, my three favorite children left the kitchen a complete mess; apparently there’s nothing as scary to my kids than a clean dishwasher. I have a lot of work to do today but, since I have a Ph.D. in procrastination,...

Something to Believe in (Linus 3:16)

I had a moment of inspiration while listening to a Poison song on my flight from Austin to San Francisco this morning. In my mind’s eye, I see you scratching your head and raising your eyebrow right now—most of you, that is, except my friend Tara D’Onofrio who still...

The Show Must Go On

When I was in high school, I got into Queen—I mean really into Queen (I had a copy of A Night at the Opera well before Wayne’s World re-popularized Bohemian Rhapsody). While I loved Freddie’ Mercury’s vocals, it was guitarist Brian May who hooked me.  There is...

Grace Finds Goodness in Everything

As I do every year on September 11, this  morning I listened to All that You Can’t Leave Behind by U2 in its entirety on my way to work. After its release, I listened to it every day on my commute into lower Manhattan; from Beautiful Day (opening track) to Grace...

Fix You?

This may be hard for some of you to believe but in my teenage years, I was a bit of an introvert.  In fact, it was not uncommon for a 15 year old Mike Carlon to retreat to his bedroom, turn off all the lights, and lose himself in music. This was particularly true if...

How do I get to Heaven?

About twenty years ago, my brothers and I were having dinner at Gallagher’s steakhouse in Manhattan. This place has nothing to do with the comedian Gallagher and, as such, we did not have to wear any protective clothing, but we did have to wear sport coats...