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Jane Green is the author of nineteen novels, including seventeen New York Times Bestsellers, one cookbook, and various short stories. She is published in over 25 languages and has over ten million books in print worldwide. Even though all of this is true, she still took an hour out of her day to speak with me!

Her latest book, The Sunshine Sisters, was released this past May and is, as People Magazine says, “A warm, satisfying tale about the love that binds even the most dysfunctional of families.”

In our discussion, Jane talks about how she originally wanted to be a visual artist and how her love of reading led her to painting with words—and what an artist she is! Just as I can hear a guitar solo and identify the player, I can read Jane’s words and identify the author. As writers, we all work with the same raw materials (i.e. vocabulary), but Jane can put words together in such a way that the reader not only sees the story but also feels the emotions of her carefully crafted characters. Her books are, truly, works of art.

Our discussion ends with Jane’s advice to both aspiring and established authors as she underscores the importance of being well read and why all writers need PHD; persistence, humility, and discipline.

Happy Listening!

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